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This is wrapped in plastic for extra protection!

Hey guys,

Here's the first giveaway I'm hosting on this new blog!!! Exciting! If you saw my previous post, you know that Amid Stars and Darkness is also now available in Germany, and has its own edition! It's got its own cover, and is hardback! I didn't get many copies myself, but I definitely wanted to share one with you guys, so here's a chance to win one for free!

Important things to note before you decide to enter: This book is printed entirely in German. So, if you're hoping to actually read the book for the first time, and don't read German, I suggest going out to your local bookstore and buying a copy in English instead! :) Unless you just want to add this seriously cool cover to your collection, which is what I figure most people here want to do anyway! The second thing to note is that I'll only be shipping this within the USA. Sorry to all you international fans, but shipping fees are super high at the moment, AND I think it's fun that people here get a chance at a foreign copy they might not otherwise get to buy!

Now that that's out of the way, rules:

There are many ways to gain entries, so check them all out and do as many as you'd like! A few of them are even options you can do daily for better odds! This giveaway is also posted to my Instagram account, @tempestchani, with it's own set of rules. Anyone who enters there will gain entries here. I'm going to add them all together before I actually choose a winner. Again, this giveaway and the one being hosted on my insta is the same giveaway. Unfortunately, I don't have many German copies myself, so this will probably be the only giveaway I host for this particular book. :( That being said, don't miss out and be sure to enter! This cover is seriously gorgeous!

This giveaway will last until May 15th! The rafflecopter is only set until May 13th, so if you've missed your chance to enter through that, you can still go to my Instagram and enter for two more days!

I think I covered everything, but just in case, feel free to leave questions below! Also, make sure to sign up so that you don't miss out on any future posts about giveaways/other fun stuff! I'll be announcing a new series with a new publisher, as well as doing a cover reveal VERY SOON! As a tiny *spoiler*, if you're into books about the fae, you don't want to miss this!

Thanks in advance to all of you who enter, and good luck!

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