I'm back from Thailand! Since it's so late in the month, I don't plan on sending out an official newsletter, so here's a post filled with all the info you might want to know instead!
First off, I'd just like to say, if you've ever considered traveling to Thailand before DO IT. It was honestly amazing. Everything about it. Even the heat, which I totally thought was going to be my enemy. We actually got along pretty well.
Know who I didn't get along with? The cold. As in, the cold that greeted me the moment I stepped off the plane when I got back. There was snow and I instantly (I'm talking by that night) got sick. Not cool. Another reason I'm not bothering with a newsletter this month is because of that. I'm pretty under the weather now and focusing on rest to recoup.
Anyway, onto the actual news you guys care about!
There IS a release this month after all! My Chinese Fantasy YA is going to be out on the 29th! It's currently available for preorder on Amazon and you can find it here:
There are also ARC copies available! If you're interested in reading one of those, you can head here:
The blurb can be found through both of these links as well!
In other news, I have another Adult Dark MM coming out on April 5th! This one is...well, it's dark. It's darker than anything else I've written thus far so please be sure to check ALL of the trigger warnings on the inside of the book before you begin reading. The cover reveal will happen soon (again, sick and ended up staying longer in Thailand so behind a bit) but for now, the preorder for the ebook is available on Amazon. You can find it here:
I'm hoping to have ARC copies available as well, but I'm honestly not sure when or if that'll actually happen at the moment. It depends on how close to the release it takes for me to get the cover. I'm very excited about this one! I'm hoping to write a few more in this type of genre this year, so keep your eyes open if Dark MM is your thing!
There will be an official newsletter again for April and I'll go over all of these details again then! For now, I'll be sending out this post through email so there's less of a chance you guys missed anything you might be interested in!
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments! You can do so either through the blog/website, directly through my email which can be found on this site, or through Instagram! Instagram is the fastest way to get a response however! :)
Hope you all have a fantastic rest of the month!